
Helmut Lachenmann: String Quartets


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Artikelnummer: NEOS 51001 Kategorien: ,
Veröffentlicht am: Juli 10, 2016


Making Of „Helmut Lachenmann – String Quartets“ (Deutsch)


Gran Torso
Music for String Quartet (1971/76/88)

String Quartet No. 3 (2001)

Reigen seliger Geister
String Quartet No. 2 (1989)


stadler quartett
Frank Stadler, 1st violin
Izso Bajusz, 2nd violin
Predrag Katanic, viola
Peter Sigl, violoncello


Sound format: PCM 2.0 Stereo
Picture format: 16 : 9
Length: ca. 76 min
Disc type: DVD 5 / NTSC
Country code: 0


Dirk Wiescholek schreibt in der Ausgabe #2.2017:

„Die Möglichkeit, auch optisch ganz nah an die klänge heranzuzoomen trägt ihren Teil zur großen Intensität, Konzentration und Intimität bei, mit der hier Lachenmanns fulminante Streichquartett-Trias Gran Torso, Reigen seliger Geister und Grido beim denkbar differenziert agierenden Stadler-Quartett Kontur gewinnt.“



Bruce Hodges’ review of these quartets performed live in New York provides an amusing and apposite  summary of their content: “Lachenmann’s Gran Torso (1972), his first  string quartet, is assembled primarily from pressing, scraping and scratching  sounds. His second, from 1989 and subtitled Reigen seliger Geister  (Dance of the Blessed Spirits) expands on that language, adding an array of  ultra-quiet whooshes and what sometimes sounds like gas escaping at a low  volume. The third, Grido (2001), to my ears announces a dramatic  evolution, with a complex array of sounds and remarkable detail, with each  moment precisely notated for pitch, volume and attack. The players pluck,  thump, knock and scrape the wood, bowing the strings, the sides, the bridge  and the scrolls of their instruments. Basically any sound that can be made is  made, with melody receding into the background, and texture, phrasing and  colour surging up front. Sometimes it felt as if we were in a darkened room,  watching the four players… playing madly with a box of lit  fireworks.”

My apologies to Mr. Hodges for such an extended plunder of  his live review, but I would be hard pressed to come up with a more succinct  description. This is indeed some of the most extreme avant-garde music you  will come across for string quartet, but even if you have the 2010 CD release  of the Stadler Quartet’s recording of these works the advantage of DVD is of  course actually being able to see how these remarkable sounds are made.  Gran Torso is filmed in black and white, the attention fully on the  four players with plenty of close-ups of concentrated interaction and those  views of a variety of techniques used to produce the sounds. Reigen  seliger Geister is in colour as is the rest of the filming, the musicians  now in white concert clothes as opposed to the more informal white shirts for  Gran Torso, and black for Grido. Fading and artistic effects  such as overlaid images liven up Reigen seliger Geister, swifter  image changes reflecting the more animated quality of the music here and  elsewhere.

Documentation with this DVD is decent enough, with notes by  Peter Becker and biographies of the quartet and its musicians in four  languages, but I had to work out the timings roughly from the screen counter,  adding and subtracting with pencil and paper. Sound quality is very good  indeed. I played this on my laptop computer via digital output run through a  portable Alesis mixing desk and using my monster Grado headphones and the  detail is tremendous. I would have to say this this is more a study document  rather than something massively entertaining for a rainy Sunday afternoon, but  if you are a fan of these works then being able to see them performed rather  than just hearing them is a real treat. You can see the entire quartet playing  their instruments like banjos in Reigen seliger Geister, for  instance, and the sheer virtuosity and concentrated professionalism of the  Stadler Quartet gives the entire thing an unexpected buoyancy, which will carry you further into these works than you might have  expected.

Dominy Clements







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